The Cluster supports the growth and promotion of life sciences in Tuscany, on the one hand fostering synergies, development opportunities and collaboration between the various actors of the sector (businesses, research centres, health system, other stakeholders) and on the other hand the consolidation of an aggregative and innovative ecosystem for all those involved.
For its purposes, the Cluster develops and carries out activities, services and initiatives to facilitate, monitor, promote and coordinate opportunities for innovation and technology transfer for its affiliates, in particular:
networking, partnership and matching among the actors of the health system;
- organisation of events, seminars, technical and scientific dissemination initiative;
- facilitation for the access to life sciences infrastructures, facilities, skills and services in the region;
- monitoring and scouting of the sector;
- valorisation of research, technology transfer support for public and private organisations , in strong synergy with the Regional Office for the valorisation of biomedical research (UVaR);
- promotion of public-private initiatives, partnerships for specific projects (including calls for proposals);
- support for research and innovation in healthcare and for the development of clinical innovation and clinical trial policies;
- support for the creation, development and internationalization processes;
- promotion of the regional context at national and international level, also through the representation of the Tuscany Region in the national life sciences cluster, ALISEI, and the interaction with regional, national and foreign institutions;
- promotion of initiatives for specialised, multidisciplinary, technical and professional higher education.