Save the date: 9 dicembre “Why investing in Tuscany & Italy? Retention and attractiveness”

Luogo:  Firenze, Palazzo Strozzi-Sacrati
Orario:   18:30-22:30
L’evento affronterà temi quali: la rilevanza economica delle imprese estere in Italia, strumenti per l’attrazione degli investimenti in Toscana, indagine conoscitiva sul ruolo delle multinazionali e delle grandi imprese. In particolare, in rappresentanza del settore chimico e delle Life Sciences al tavolo “Esperienze a confronto di investimenti esteri o nazionali in Toscana” interverranno Danilo Giorni, Supply Chain & Finance Director di Eli Lilly Italia e Marco Colatarci, Country Manager di Solvay Italia.
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Looking for services, facilities , collaborations for a project in Life Sciences?

The cluster network provides a large panel of services and products for the growth of life sciences in Tuscany.


Here you can find an updated list of the facilties and equipments that the Cluster network makes available for the development of business projects and research activities.


The updated map with all members of the Cluster. Here you can find contacts of companies, research groups and organisations connected to the Tuscany cluster.