Erre Effe Informatica of Arezzo has been working for over 25 years offering cutting-edge medical IT solutions for technology and architecture, designed for all the main areas of healthcare, both hospital and territorial. A UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certified company, Erre Effe Informatica has developed strong skills also in the field of systems and hardware and offers itself as a qualified support in the design, configuration and assistance of healthcare IT systems: from operating systems to relational engines, to the hardware and software structures of local and geographical network, to the management of data and information for counter applications. It is historically operational in Tuscany at USL 8 in Arezzo and at USL 4 in Prato and is present in other health care facilities of the region, as well as in Umbria, Emilia Romagna, Lazio and Veneto, for which it represents a stable and appreciated support in the area of reference.